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Player/Parent Handbook

Welcome to Club UV! Club UV is a Utah girls volleyball club dedicated to providing a fun and competitive environment for girls who want to take their skills to the next level. Our mission is to empower girls, help them learn valuable life lessons through the sport of volleyball, and become not only great players but great people. Club UV was formed to create opportunities for athletes to grow in the sport of volleyball, set goals to drive them to success, and teach athletes to develop their character to become outstanding individuals. 


Club UV provides athletes with high quality programming to pursue volleyball excellence. Our players are taught the importance of fostering a growth mindset and developing teamwork and communication skills with the ultimate goal of excelling both on and off the volleyball court. Our Club UV Family aims to have a positive impact on each and every member of our club and create a feeling of belonging and unity. We believe in our athletes and push them to accomplish their dreams and more.



Player Code of Conduct
•Be on time to all practices, games, and meetings. Please arrive 10 min early to ensure that there is an adequate amount of time to prepare and be ready to start at the scheduled time. Each player is required to stay until the entire team can leave. Do not ask the coach if you can leave early.

•Players are responsible for their uniform and equipment and will be required to pay for any lost/damaged items. All Club UV athletes will receive practice t-shirts, and must wear an approved Club UV practice t-shirt at all practices, scrimmages, games, etc.
•Playing club volleyball is a commitment and a priority. Players are to attend all practices and games.  Club UV supports multi-sport athletes who compete in high school sports. Players are not penalized for missing a club event for a high school competition or required school event, but need to contact/inform the coach, in as much advance as possible. All other absences are unexcused and are likely to affect playing time. 
•Show respect for coaches, teammates, managers, and staff. Coaches prepare and plan practices, and athletes are expected to show their coaches respect for their time and efforts. Always use positive and clean language.
•As a player for Club UV, it is essential that each athlete understands that he/she represents their club, coach, and teammates at all times. Whether on or off the court, athletes are expected to maintain a positive image that reflects the values of Club UV and speak well of the program. Clean up after yourself. This means at practice, tournaments, etc. Please represent us well. 
•Be competitive and have fun! That’s why we play the game!
• Be mentally and physically prepared; leave everything else from the day outside of the gym. When you step on the court be present, focused, and mindful. Hair should be pulled back and out of face, and be ready to play.
• Work hard. Give 100% at all times. Display a strong work ethic and push yourself to grow.
• Be a team player. A positive attitude is expected. Be encouraging to your teammates. Build up your team and make decisions that best benefit your team. Encourage your teammates and provide positive feedback and support. Celebrate your teammates’ success and find ways to make your team better.
• During a match, athletes who are “on the bench” are a vital part of our team! They should be paying attention and must be ready
to go in the game at all times. This includes calling the ball in and out and cheering. Often players on the bench will need to keep
stats, score, it is imperative that they are focused on the game.
• When it is possible, athletes are to sit as a team when their team is not playing. Do not go anywhere without a coach knowing
where you are.
• Players pay to train, not to play. This is a competitive team, and as such playing time will not be equal. The amount of time a player plays and the position the player plays is determined by the coach according to the needs of the team. Playing time will be determined by stats/performance (both during practice and games), attitude of the athletes, effort, talent, team chemistry, etc. Athletes should have conversations with their coach if they are unclear as to what is expected in order to earn more playing time.

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Code of Conduct
• I understand that I am paying for my child to learn the skills and concepts of volleyball in an effective and respectful
environment. Club UV coaches will provide a role on the team for every player, but my child will not be guaranteed equal playing
time in games, matches or tournaments. Decisions concerning player participation in games and tournaments are solely the
responsibility of the coach.
•My attendance at matches and tournaments is welcomed and anticipated. I will conduct myself in a respectful manner by:
A. Showing appropriate respect and sportsmanship toward all teams, parents, officials, coaches, etc. I will not engage in disrespectful conduct of any sort, and will refrain from using profane language, taunting, or other actions that demean individuals or the sport.
B. Being patient and supportive with the athletes, regardless of their play.
C. Accepting decisions made by coaches and staff.
D. Discontinuing behavior deemed unacceptable at the request of staff, coaches, players, officials or other fans. If I fail to honor such
a request, it is within the rights of Club UV staff or any hosting organization’s staff to request that I leave the playing area or building.
E. Refraining from distracting my child, other players or coaches during competition. Players Play, Coaches Coach, PARENTS CHEER!
•If I have a grievance, I will not discuss my grievance during practice times or on days of competition. Please note a 24-hour cooling down period is required after the specific incidence or event occurred before any contact may be made with the coach. Please set up a meeting to discuss your concerns.
•My child must remain at the competition site until released by the team head coach. If I remove my child from a competition site
without prior permission, Club UV may consider my child to have resigned from the Club and all outstanding fees become
immediately due and payable.
•I am responsible for my child’s conduct. I will be contacted if any problems with my child arise.
•I agree that I will be financially responsible for all fees assessed relating to my child’s participation in Club UV programs, plus any
penalties resulting from my failure to meet the terms of this. If I remove my child from Club UV before the end of the season, I am
still obligated to pay my child’s full season fee assessment, as the rest of the team cannot be expected to pick up my share of the
team’s expenses.


Grievance Procedures

Competitive team athletics, by its very nature, create an environment where athletes and/or coaches may not be in agreement with all decisions made. Most often the concern is how to inquire about issues surrounding playing time. Athletes are encouraged to communicate and discuss any issues concerning playing time, or any other volleyball related subject, with their coaches first.


Coaches are not required to defend their thought process or decisions at any time during a game. Coaches are instructed not to engage in controversial discussions during tournaments, and may politely decline to discuss the matter at that time. The recommended time for a parent and/or athlete to have a scheduled meeting with a coach is after a practice.


Parents and athletes are to adhere to the following grievance process:

  1. The athlete meets with the coach to discuss the matter. If the matter is not resolved or the athlete has a reasonable concern about speaking to the coach, please proceed to step two.

  2. The parent meets with the coach to discuss the matter. If the matter is not resolved or the parent has reasonable concern about speaking to the coach, please proceed to step three.

  3. The parent meets with the Club Director. The Club Director may ask either the coach or athlete (or both) to attend the meeting.

  4. All decisions and recommendations by Club UV and/or the Club Director are final and not subject to appeal.


It is inappropriate for an athlete or a parent to approach other Club UV members about a problem the athlete or a parent is having with a coach, about objections to coaching, or administrative decisions. For the well being of the members, teams, and the Club as a whole, grievances must be handled via the grievance process outlined above.​​​



As individual club dues are based on team fees, we must adhere to our budget. If a family decides to voluntarily withdraw from the club for personal reasons or is removed for violation of AAU, USAV, or Club UV rules, they will be responsible for the balance of their dues. Once the player contract is signed and the down payment is paid, the athlete is committed to the season with Club UV. Should an athlete withdraw before the season is over, he/she will not be entitled to any refunds of money already paid or still owed.

Failure to complete the payment schedule as agreed upon by the player contract can render the athlete ineligible to compete with Club UV until the balance is paid in full. Circumstances that prevent a player from participating such as injury, schedule, conflict, suspension, etc., do not dismiss the financial obligation to the club.

Club members have the option of paying for the entire club season upfront. Club UV will accept cash, check (made payable to Club UV), or credit cards (a service fee will be added). Monthly payments are due by the posted date listed on the payment plan. Any payment received after this date will be considered late and a late fee of $25.00 will be applied to the balance. Families with more than one child playing for Club UV will receive a $50 discount for each additional child’s dues for the season.





Each team competes in tournaments throughout the season. One-day tournaments are on Saturdays and two-day tournaments are on Fridays and Saturdays. Friday's can be from 3:30-10:30 and Saturday tournaments last the entire day.


The schedules and tournament location are often not posted by the tournament director until around the the week of and will be added to the app as soon as it is released. All players are expected to be in the gym, ready to warm up, at the arrival time
determined by the coach.

Officiating at tournaments is a shared responsibility for the entire team, regardless of playing time. If your team is officiating, other players may not leave the tournament site until excused by the coach. Athletes and parents are expected to clean up after themselves and maintain a clean space.

Players are responsible for their own transportation to and from any tournaments or practices.

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